Thursday, December 1, 2011

All About Soccer Awards

The most popular and most coveted of all soccer awards, or football awards, is definitely the championship trophy of the FIFA World Cup. The league is the most valuable single-event sporting competition across the globe. Currently, the trophy that is awarded to the winner is simply named the FIFA World Cup Trophy. It is made of solid 18 carat gold and with a base that has 2 layers of malachite. Engraved at the bottom side are the names of the winners of the World Cup since 1974.The 6.175 kg trophy was created by Italian designer Silvio Gazzaniga. The FIFA World Cup Trophy is "lent" to the winning country until the next tournament comes. Afterwards, a gold-plated replica is given to them. The FIFA World Cup is an amazing international event held every four years. Fans from all over the world descend on the host country bringing with them an outpouring of color, passion, energy, and culture. The world game is a wonderful accolade to the country that plays host plus the event holds much promise to global broadcast, tourism, and injection of millions of dollars into the economy.

Potentially millions of dollars from tourists are injected into small businesses, hotels, restaurants, souvenir shops, tours, and transport from hosting the FIFA tournament. However, the costs associated with a significant influx of visitors is the provision of security to fans and all the teams, counter-terrorist activities, policing racial sensitivities, and purchase and installation of high-tech monitoring equipment. The revenue from the sale of tickets to the games if not achieved would back fire on the host country as it may take years to recover the outlay for hosting such a global event. History will determine the success of hosting the FIFA tournament. The global exposure of this world event may benefit the host country and its local suppliers/industries in years to come.

What the FIFA World Cup does is that it brings the world together through competition fostering cross-cultural interaction and international understanding. In a world plagued by wars, racism, and religious intolerance, the FIFA World Cup contributes to universal brotherhood, whose benefits to humanity is impossible to quantify. The FIFA Fair Play Trophy is given to the team with the top fair play record during the season. It is the first special award that's given in the tournament from the time it was established. On a lighter note, an award for the Most Entertaining Team is literally for the team who has entertained the public the most in the whole duration of the tournament. The FIFA World Cup Trophy is undoubtedly the most fiercely fought for prize among all soccer trophies. The whole tournament is one of the most festive and fun sporting events in the world and the FIFA member nations couldn't always wait for the next 4 years to fly by.

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