Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Football Rules and Regulations You Should Know

In football there are 11 players in each and every football team. In this the player can pass the ball by running and the player should run with the ball up to goal keeper only the goal keeper can use their hands to avoid the goal. In football the particular area of goal point is mentioned as end zone. These 11 players are also known as offense.
The side of the football team consists of the same 11 players they are known as defense. This team main aim is to play with the stronger team.
The main aim of the football game
The main aim of the game is by running and pass the ball to other end of the goal keeper or end zone, the player should take 6 points to win the match. In football the team can get score in different ways. They are.
1. Touchdown
2. Extra point and conversion of two point
3. Field goal
4. Safety
These are the different methods of getting scores.
Touchdown-6 points
Touchdown is used for to pass the ball to the end zone or goal keeper. If the ball reaches the goal line and it is said to be goal then the team will get 6points and other team will get one or two points for attempting to avoid goal. This is the use of touchdown-6 points.
Extra point and conversion of two points-1 or 2 points
For extra point and conversion of two points the ball is positioned quickly near to the challenger in 2-yard line. The offense has alternative choices they are 1. Generally the offense will kick the ball for getting extra points, so this is also known as PAT (Point after Touchdown). If the player effectively kicks the ball to goal, that team gets one point. The other team also gets points because that team attempted to avoid the goals by running and throwing the ball. The next step is to get 2 points but it's tough to get extra points, the player chooses only for the extra points.
The different types of offensive locations in football are:
Center: the player in center position is a purpose of common blocking.
Offensive guard: this position contains two players the main aim of this task is running and passing the ball.
Offensive tackle: the players in the position in the field they also block the ball while passing and running.
Tight end: in this position the player act as pass receiver or they will block according to the game necessities.
Wide receiver: in this position the player should be in pass the ball speed to other player the main aim is to take a pass given by their player.
Full back: in this the players are located near the middle line.
The different types of defensive football positions are:
Defensive end: the two players are located and the main aim of the defensive end is to attack the passers to stop the runs. And the ball should be located opposite edges of the defensive line.
Safety: the players in this position are located at the last. They mainly consist of the big pass coverage. The safety to be consider for the hard hitters.

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