Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Guides To Fantasy Football

Fantasy football is one of the many fantasy sports that are played throughout the world. It is a game played seasonally. The participants who play in these leagues are basically football fans. They form their own teams and compete with other such teams formed by other players. According to their winnings points are calculated. These points are based on the real life performances of the real players. Now while playing fantasy football there are certain rules and regulations that you have to follow. They are relatively simple enough for anyone to understand.

To begin with a fantasy football league there has to be a minimum of eight teams and a maximum of fourteen teams. There has to be a roster in each team and there must be a total of fifteen players in the squad out of which nine players would play and six players would be available as substitutes. Though this is the normal rule for any fantasy football game but the number and staring position of the players may change from one league to another. Before the league begins the managers has to draft the names of the players who would comprise the roster. These drafts are made live. There is the option of making the draft online too.

The players who are named I the draft belong to a particular team which they cannot change during the league. While the season is on you will be the one who will manage the roster. It will be up to you who will start in your team and who will not. You have to keep in mind that the players who will start for your team will be the ones who will earn points for you. If you think that you are not satisfied with your team then you can always buy players or replace them with the help of free agents.

Before you start with the league there are certain other rules that you will have to follow. Firstly you will have to be a registered user. Secondly you must be at least eighteen years so that you can enroll your name for the competition. Once the league starts you will have to construct your team with quarter backs, running backs, wide receivers, tight end, kicker and a defense. You will also have to keep sufficient players as substitutes just in case your main line players are injured.

Now you will obviously want to be on the winning side at the end of the game. And that is why you have to make appropriate strategies to defeat the other teams. The basic thing is you have to put your best players forward in the matches so that at the end of the week it is your team who will earn more points than the others. On the basis of the weekly counts if you are ahead of the other teams then you will move on to the next level and will be a step closer to playing the playoffs.